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Plain Dealer Events
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Cresco Plain Dealer Index

Event Keys

MarriageDeathObituaryMarriage LicenseDivorce

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NameEventDate of PaperPageColumn
Darling, Stanley H/Irma E Henshaw
MLMar. 20, 193166
Davis Infant
DJuly 17, 193113
Davis, William B
DJuly 24, 193116 & 7
DeGreve, Adeline Barbara DeLange
DOct. 2, 193114
DeGreve, Adeline Barbara DeLange
DOct. 9, 193114
DeGreve, John
DJan. 9, 193111
DeGreve, Myrtle/Edward Smith
MJan. 16, 193171
DeGroote, August
DAug. 7, 193113
Dempewolf, Minnie Walter
DMay 22, 193144
Dempewolf, Theodore/Eunilla Herold
MApr. 24, 193162
Deneen, Paul/Margaret McHugh
MJan. 2, 193113
DeWalle, Agnes Elizabeth/Henry A Schmidt
MMay 22, 193112
Dillon, Hazel M/Tom Farrell
MFeb. 20, 193112
Doolittle, Amos P
DOct. 16, 193111
Doone, Cora/Lee Lenth
MLOct. 23, 193155
Dotenrod, Earl/Anna Erickson
MNov. 13, 193137
Doubek Infant
DJuly 3, 193112
Doubek, Frank F/Naomi Malek
MApr. 17, 193171
Doubek, George/Edna Rink
MNov. 6, 193115
Doubek, George/Edna Rink
MLNov. 6, 193154
Dozark, Kathryn/Raymond Brinn
MDec. 11, 193127
Drake, Elinor
DApr. 10, 193142
Drake, Mrs George
DMar. 27, 193111
Drtina, George/Katherine Zobeck
MDec. 4, 193116
Early, James/Mary Geraty
MJune 26, 193112
Ebert, George/lrma Balik
MJune 12, 19316B1
Ellingson, E E & Julia Holverson
50thFeb. 6, 193111
Ellingson, Erick
DMay 15, 193144
Ellingson, Erick
DMay 8, 193173
Elwood, Mrs. Frank
DJan. 30, 193116
Eng, Ida Thelma/Clarence Hansen
MJune 12, 19311A4
Enright, Richard M
DJan. 2, 193115
Erickson, Anna/Earl Dotenrod
MNov. 13, 193132
Erickson, Chester E/Marvel E Reynolds
MJune 19, 193173
Evenson, Harry H
DOct. 23, 193134
Farnsworth, Asa A
DOct. 16, 193114
Farnsworth, Eugene/Frances Jones
MJan. 9, 193115 & 6
Farnsworth, Louise Manette/Albert Glen Thomson
MAug. 14, 193115
Farnsworth, Mary Adeline/Harold Martin Kautz
MSept. 18, 193114
Farnsworth, Raymond/Florence Hildahl
MJan. 2, 193113
Farrell, Tom/Hazel M Dillon
MFeb. 20, 193112
Fend, EdwardA/iola Riehle
MJuly 24, 193114
Ferkingstad, Hanna Marie Larsdatter Risdahl
DAug. 14, 193151
Ferrie, Joseph
DDec. 11, 193115
Ferrie, Raymond J/Clara Tupy
MNov. 20, 193115
Fiske, Doran Edward/Clara Crandall
MSept. 25, 193173 & 4
Fiske, Lionel/Evelyn Johnson
MJune 19, 193171
Fiske, Norma/Harold Nehrenberg
MNov. 27, 193114
Fitzgerald, Bridget
DApr. 3, 193144
Fitzgerald, Bridget
DMar. 27, 193111
Flandes, John James/Floy Pengergast
MLJune 19, 193175
Foote, Steve/Frediette E Greenquist
MSept. 18, 193115
Fosse, Seymour L
DNov. 13, 193192
Fountain, Arthur/lrene Burri
MApr. 17, 193174
Frana, Julia/Jerome Phillips
MLAug. 14, 193141
Frana, Julia/Jerome Phillips
MAug. 28, 19311A4
Frank, Elsie/Gerald Sovereign
MAug. 21, 193115
Frantzen, Olivia Ann/James Henry Ralph
MJan. 23, 193172
Fretheim, John
DJan. 16, 193183
Fritz, James
DSept. 25, 193112
Fuller, Sangar P
MJune 5, 193116
Gansen, Alphonsus/Ruth Mealy
MLApr. 3, 193161
Gardner, Grace Marie
DNov. 6, 193182 & 3
Gardner, Will
DMay 1, 193141
Gaul, Lucile/Mr Nathan
MJune 19, 193116
Geraty, Mary/James Early
MJune 26, 193113
Gesing, Victoria/John Rader
MJuly 3, 193115
Gill, Luthera Gill
DSept. 25, 193171 & 2
Glass, F A
DFeb. 24, 193111
Glienke, Harold/Bemice Hidding
MLOct. 23, 193155
Gordanier, Emma Segrist
DOct. 9, 193115
Graham, Donald/Eva Jane Worrall
MSept. 25, 193113
Grantham, Rev L J
DSept. 4, 193115 & 7
Greenquist, Frediette E/Steve Foote
MSept. 18, 193117
Greteman, Rosa F/J R Mahaffey
MJuly 3, 193151
Grube, Leo P/Adah Void
MSept. 18, 193115
Guilickson, Melvin Alfred
DApr. 24, 193181
Guilickson, Melvin Alfred
DMay 8, 193135
Gunwall, Carrie
DFeb. 20, 193184
Haberly, Fred/Mabel Halvorson
MApr. 10, 193111 & 2
Hageman, Henry
DMay 1, 193195
Haiar, Virginia JA/Valter H Weis
MJan. 30, 193115
Hall, Hazel M/Wesley W Wright
MLJune 19, 193175
Hall, Samuel H
DMay 8, 1931102
Halvorson, Mabel/Fred Haberly
MApr. 10, 193112
Hammond, Clyde
DApr. 10, 193174
Haney, James
DJuly 3, 193111
Hanneman, Henry A
DSept. 4, 193134
Hansen, Clarence/lda Thelma Eng
MJune 12, 19311A4
Hanson, Ruth Evelyn/Lawrence Edward Boury
MMay 1, 193173
Harding, Ivel
DAug. 21, 193114
Harten, Robert Markwick/Myrtle Butz
MFeb. 13, 193172
Havlik, Adolph J/Beatrice A Praska
MLOct. 23, 193153
Hawk, John
DNov. 20, 193173
Hayes, Eva/Kenneth Palmer
MOct. 2, 193152
Heacox, Agnes Bessie/Ernest William Lund
MMay 1, 193173
Heckstein, Frank/Alice Jones
MOct. 23, 193161
Heimerdinger, Celia M/Leo L Lawrence
MLOct. 2, 193142
Heimerdinger, Celia M/Leo L Lawrence
MOct. 16, 193173
Henning, Charles
DJuly 17, 193116
Henning, Charles
DJuly 17, 193164
Henshaw, Irma E/Stanley H Darling
MLMar. 20, 193165
Herald, Eunilla/Theodore Dempewolf
MApr. 24, 193166
Herald, Mary Johanna Thielan
DJan. 10, 1931104
Hess, E W
DAug. 14, 193111
Hess, Mary Jane Markham
DJune 19, 193115
Heyberger, Colletta/M J O'Connor
MLOct. 16, 193114
Heyberger, Colletta/M J O'Connor
MOct. 23, 193115
Heyberger, Colletta/M J O'Connor
MLOct. 23, 193155
Hidding, Bernice/Harold Glienke
MLOct. 23, 193153
Hildahl, Florence/Raymond Farnsworth
MJan. 2, 193113
Hines, Herbert O/Alice M Benson
MFeb. 13, 193172
Holley, Alice
DAug. 28, 19315A6
Hoopman, Edna Mae/Frank E Lybbert
MJan. 2, 193115
Hopperstad, Marjorie/Donald Biel
MApr. 17, 193112
Hoppie, Esther/John C Buhr
MNov. 13, 193116
Hoppie, Esther/John C Buhr
MLNov. 6, 193154
Horejsi, Katerina Frances Curda Fritz
DMay 15, 193151
Hornberger, Eva Wiedeman
DSept. 11, 193171
Hospodarsky, Leonard J/Marie Sindelar
MLJune 19, 193173
Houdek, Carl/Mayme Shileny
MLAug. 7, 193135
Hovey, Oliver/Esther Leona Kappers
MOct. 9, 193115 & 6
Howard, Pluma Amelia Emmons
DMay 15, 193171
Howe, Wilbur
DMar. 6, 193192
Hoyt, Borgine Owen
DOct. 23, 193156
Hughes, Robert H
DMay 29, 1931114 & 5
Huhe, Fred/Edith Teetshorn
MFeb. 6, 193182
Huhe, William/Freda Vatthauer
MDec. 11, 193182
Hulsebus, Elsie Mae/Harry Schroeder
MJuly 3, 193155
Hunter, Christian Ralph
DDec. 18, 1931105
Hunter, Ralph
DDec. 4, 193117
Huntting, Selden
DOct. 2, 193112
Hyke, Clem/Mary Vlk
MLNov. 6, 193153
Hyke, Clem/Miss Vlk
MNov. 6, 193135
A-C    D-H    I-L    M-R    S-T    U-Z    EventDate of PaperPageColumn

The index for this table was transcribed from scans submitted by Janice Sowers, past president of the Howard-Winneshiek Genealogy Society. Thank you Janice for your contribution If you would like to help us add more information to this site please contact the County Coordinator. Your contribution will help our fellow Howard County researchers

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